One Simple Decision
Posted by Cindy Lee Jones on / 0 Comments
“You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.” I’m coming up on my 1 year anniversary of living an AF – alcohol free life, one simple decision has changed my life inexplicably, breaking this pattern has raised my creative vibration for painting, my anxiety is at an all time low along with getting a perfect nights sleep 7 days a week. I could go on with 10 more unexpected joys of being alcohol-free but you get the idea. Don’t believe the fancy packaging from manufacturers and the false idea that you need booze to enjoy life, it’s simply not true…. I’ve forgiven myself for the bad choices that were made under the influence, you’ve just got to let that shit go… I’m now set free metaphorically like a bird… who simply flew away from what does not respect her mind, body & soul… Namaste
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